game fever造句


  1. Muhyiddin : Catch the Games fever, NEW STRAITS TIMES-MANAGEMENT TIMES
  2. The Big Game fever has finally broken.
  3. Asian Games fever has been great.
  4. Many Bangkok residents who earlier shrugged when the 15-day sports extravaganza was mentioned are now gripped with games fever.
  5. This is among many events that we hope will ignite the Games fever and create a festive atmosphere as we await this historic event.
  6. It's difficult to find game fever in a sentence. 用game fever造句挺难的
  7. However, it will be 13 years later when then network My Network TV launched my games fever which ran two hours without commercial interruption to compete with CBS sole game show.
  8. LANGKAWI, Fri .-" Catch the Commonwealth Games Fever "-this is the message from Youth and Sports Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin to all Malaysians.
  9. Visitors do not have to gamble on having a good time in Montreal, but if gaming fever does strike, the Casino de Montreal will provide not only gambling excitement but a vibrant experience just by visiting.
  10. "We want every Malaysian, from the city and village, old and young to get the Games fever so that they will want to watch the prestigious events live in Kuala Lumpur from Sept 11 to 21, " he said.
  11. In South Korea, a country that has video game fever like no other, professional gaming is old news . " There are 1, 000 kids in Korea that make a living playing video games, " said Hank Jeong, president of World Cyber Games in Seoul . " And 10 make more than $ 100, 000 per year ."


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